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If you are suffering chronic or acute pain in your legs or feet, at Westmead Foot Clinic we will gladly assess your complaint, discuss your options, and effectively manage your pain. We will only prescribe functional orthotics if we think there is a real benefit. This will involve a biomechanical assessment of your lower limb function, correction of poor footwear, and a muscle stretching and strengthening program when indicated.

Custom Orthotics

In addition to custom orthotics, we also provide a range of pre-fabricated orthotics onsite. In many cases pre-fabricated orthotics are very effective, and where necessary can be modified to your individual needs to produce a semi-custom foot orthosis. For comfortable and effective orthotics, we offer experience in biomechanical analysis and orthotic prescription to foster excellent results in helping your feet.

We take a plaster cast of your foot. We then write a prescription based on your needs. A local Hills Area laboratory, then accurately and reliably produce your customised orthotics. Customised functional foot orthoses can effectively manage a range of lower leg issues, relating to poor skeletal alignment and gait anomalies including:

  • Patella tracking concerns
  • Knee pain
  • Shin pain
  • Poor stability
  • Leg pain
  • Foot pain

Nail avulsion surgery involves the removal of a section of nail under local anaesthetic. A chemical is then applied to prevent the section of nail re-growing. In some cases, the severity of the problem requires the whole nail to be removed.

The procedure is a tried and tested means of treating persistent toenail conditions for example, ingrown toenails.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

If you are suffering chronic or acute pain in your legs or feet, at Westmead Foot Clinic we will gladly assess your complaint, discuss your options, and effectively manage your pain. We will only prescribe functional orthotics if we think there is a real benefit. This will involve a biomechanical assessment of your lower limb function, correction of poor footwear, and a muscle stretching and strengthening program when indicated.

What causes Plantar Fasciitis?

The Plantar Fascia acts like a shock absorber for your foot and can become less flexible as we age. Our feet evolved to adapt to terrain changes, but in the modern world we have smoothed everything out to generally be flat.

The result is that the Plantar Fascia performs repetitive actions over & over again, which can result in over-tightness of the fascia and sometimes even micro-tears may occur.

While it is sometimes difficult to identify the precise cause of Plantar Fasciitis there are common risk factors. These include:

  • Some forms of exercise including prolonged walking on hard, man-made surfaces, distance running, ballet dancing and aerobics
  • People between the ages of 35 to 70
  • Excess weight: Individual foot mechanics. Flat feet, high arches and abnormal walking patterns can all affect weight distribution and putt stress on your Plantar Fascia
  • Workplace occupations that keep workers on their feet can contribute to the onset of Plantar Fasciitis
  • Occupations such as factory workers, nurses and teachers are occupations that can contribute to the condition